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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Just the Bibliography for "Forever Stalwart" fills this entire file drawer!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Still proofing - it's a BIG book!

Really, the proofing is almost finished. The biggie is that we are waiting on one last written Release Statement. Once that arrives the presses will roll. Still taking Pre-Orders at www.foreverstalwart.com.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


For many years I made an autumn trip to Missouri for Dad's birthday and spent a week or two in the Titus Billings guest room working on this book. He, Evan A. Billings, purchased a piece of the Titus Billings' property in Independence where he built a nice home and enjoyed discovering treasures about our pioneer ancestor. Several decades ago dad assigned me to write this biography. I am so excited to see it coming into print at last.

Birthday Special!
Pre-order your copy of Forever Stalwart by September 13th, Dad's birthday, and receive the Forever Stalwart Digital Document Collection as our gift with your order!  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Peek - as it came out of the packaging

This is just a proof. They print one copy for author inspection. But hey, it is a REAL BOOK. 
I am so excited!!!!