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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Endure to the End!

"Endure to the End"

Words and Music by Susan B. Mitchell

1968 my winter was filled with worries of war because my sweetheart was fighting for freedom in Viet Nam and fears of the Hong Kong Flu epidemic because it had already hospitalized our one-year-old twin daughters. On Christmas Day our infant son awoke with a fever and the doctor admitted him too. Needless to say, I then lived at the hospital nurturing our little ones and trusting the God who was nurturing me. 

At length the children came home and I clung onto the expectation that their daddy would someday return as well.  While rocking the baby late one night a powerful message came into my heart. I felt Heavenly Father’s love! He knew me and He wanted me to know Him. All these things were for my good, my eternal preparation. With faith I could lay my worries and fears on the alter because my Savior, even Jesus Christ, had endured all things and stood ready to help me endure too, even to the end. As I rocked my baby the chorus of this song came into my mind and I sang its melody again and again until the baby fell asleep and I could write it down. 

Over the years this message has been an important focus in my life. The Lord expects us to endure all things and to endure them well, even happily to the end. 

That is my quest and I think in part it also applies to enduring the wait to publish this book! I thank you all for you patience too. It will happened! While we wait -- I would like to share this song with you. Email me at foreverstalwart@gmail.com and I will send one to your email address. 

Your comments on this blog are greatly appreciated.


  1. I don't know how to read music, but I love the words. I miss and love you guys tons!
    Kandi Hovis

    1. Kandi! So good to hear from you! Love you too. Please take care and give our best to all our friends in the world's best mission.

  2. I would love a copy! This is a story I hadn't heard before.

  3. December 13: The song looks wonderful. I would love a copy of it. Thanks Also Lanny had an ancestor who was killed at the Isaac Morley settlement. Is it the same? Diana T.
