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Friday, November 21, 2014

It came today!!!

Yeah! I am so happy I'm jumping for joy. The last release statement came today.
We now have permission to use all of the items requested in our upcoming book:
Forever Stalwart.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Independence or Wayne City Landing

Old Wayne City Landing Marker
I took this photo in 2002.

New Marker
My sister, Anne Billings Untch took this photo at the same location today, November 20, 2014. 

When the saints were driven from Jackson County they crossed the Missouri River at this point, now known as Wayne City Landing, formerly Independence Landing, where River Road runs into the Missouri River. It was a busy river port in the 1830 period and the spot where the migrating Billings Party arrived in the springtime of 1832.

Perhaps updating this find is one of the reasons "the book" has been delayed. We are still waiting for a last permission letter. I will to make a final inquiry about it tomorrow and plan soon to release the uploaded manuscript with or without the photos. WE WANT THE BOOK  AVAILABLE IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!