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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

At first I thought I was robbed! OPPOSITION IN ALL THINGS!

Beware and Be Aware!

This alarming site popped up on a google search: "Download Free Forever Stalwart . . ."

If you click on this site you will see our book cover pictured with a poorly written message - no proper punctuation, spelling, or grammar - (see sample of site below)  that invites you to download an electronic form of the book  for nothing. 

Click on any of the offered buttons and your computer will be flooded with malware!

If you look at the left panel on the screen shot below, you will find other book sites listed where web crawlers have gathered targets for their malware attacks. Think about it for a second. Why would anyone fall for this? First of all it is not honest or ethical. Second, these people do not have rights to or even a copy of the manuscript. They are not offering a service, they just want to do damage. 

At first I felt upset, but now I fell extremely grateful, not for this act by poor pitiful souls who have no greater pleasure than to pollute the computers of others, but for the protection of my K9-Blue Coat filter that blocked me when I in an instant of panic tried to click on it myself.

If your computer is not secure go to: www.K9webprotection.com for a free download (and this one is legitimate). My computer has been guarded by this wonderful watch dog ever since our son-in-law worked at Blue Coat and taught me about it. I highly recommend this free program.

Side note: A good, clean, legal ebook is in the works. It takes time to do it right.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Thank you FamilySearchFamilyTree!

I am so excited! 

The Family Search Data Group UNLOCKED Titus Billings' KWV9-RHJ tree so I could add 3 photos and 10 documents to it.

The next day they UNLOCKED Isaac Morley's KWVM-MGR tree long enough for me to add 3 new documents to it. (Isaac has 3 trees - they have promised to remedy that.)

For some reason the trees of early church leaders have been blocked for a time. I was told they are doing an editing project and didn't want changes to happen until it is completed, BUT they made an exception for our treasures to be added.

Go check it out. (Under documents you will have to click on  "more" to see our new entries.)

Billings: https://familysearch.org/tree/#view=ancestor&person=KWV9-RHJ&section=memories

               Photos added: Titus' personal copy of the Book of Mormon, signed by him!
                                              (2) pix of his 1845 Nauvoo Letter
               Documents added: (2) documents of the Independence Stewardship Deeds
                                              (7) documents from the Nauvoo Legion.
                                              (1) document listing head of families living in Mentor, Ohio

              Documents added: Mission Report
                                             Nauvoo Legion Rank Roll
                                             Missouri Claims or Grievance Letter  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Map of Provo City Cemetery showing burial place of Titus Billings

Click on the map to enlarge it.

Please note that Titus and Diantha (Morley) Billings are buried in plot #84.
Look closely to see the yellow highlight. 

Also, check out the map (screen shot below) on www.billiongraves.com.

My thanks to Doug Larson for asking about the location of the Titus Billings grave.
Hope all of you can visit it soon to honor the life of this good, noble, stalwart man.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Digitize Your Old Camera Negatives

Click below to see an amazing home-made method
for turning old negatives into digital photos.

Excellent digitization at home:  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?

[Thanks to Ann R. for pointing out this facebook video.]

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Bonus Lecture by Daryl Hoole!

When the BYU School of Family Life honored Sister Hoole and asked her to speak at the Hinckley Center about "Raising Self-Reliant and Respectful Children" I was present and delighted to hear her "bonus" lecture. She began with, "Three years ago I gave a last lecture at Education Week on campus. Not many people get to give a major address after a last lecture.!"

Don't you just love her? Still she takes time to send the following about Forever Stalwart:  "I would think descendants of the three families are ecstatic about such a treasure and can hardly put it down, but I hope many others want copies as well.

"I wonder if your father envisioned such a masterpiece when he "assigned" you to the task. Whether or not, he, along with Titus, Isaac, and Edward, must be thrilled. What a glorious heavenly reception awaits you.
~ As Always, Daryl."

Photo from BYU Hinckley Center, November 14, 2012