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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Send YOUR PIX with "the book" and we will post it.

Thanks to my dear Uncle Ross and sweet Aunt Rosella. I am excited to hear their feedback after they read Forever Stalwart.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hats off to the Red Hat Ladies Who Read Forever Stalwart!

The Red Hat Ladies of Provo invited me to review "the book" -- Forever Stalwart at their last gathering. What delightful ladies. Hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. Our winner seals arrived the day before so they went home with the gold stickers for their books. It was soooooooooo fun!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reader Hal Kelly Reviews the Book

"Susan, you did an outstanding job! It amazes me how the facts are interwoven with fiction. I was excited to find out I'm actually related to Titus. I thoroughly enjoyed this WONDERFUL book!!!"    ~ Hal Kelly April 2015

We Won Three Book Awards!

2015 Beverly Hills International Book Awards  

 1st place for Best Book Cover Design 
 2nd place for Best Non-Fiction 

"Your book, Forever Stalwart, truly embodies the excellence that this award was created to celebrate, and we salute you and your fine work . . . The entire team at the Beverly Hills Book Awards sincerely wishes you the warmest congratulations."

To view the list of winners and finalists go to their site and scroll down until you will find both awards: http://www.beverlyhillsbookawards.com/2015-BHBA-Winners-and-Finalists.htm

Bevery Hills finalist best non-fiction 2015

2015 INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDS (scroll down to Biography)
 Jeffrey Keen, President and CEO of USA Book News, said this year’s contest yielded over 1200 entries from authors and publishers around the world, which were then narrowed down to the final results.
Finalist Indie Book Awards