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Monday, June 29, 2015

The Excitement of Publishing a BIG Book!

First peek — as it came out of the packaging! This is just a proof. They print one copy for author inspection. But hey, it is a REAL BOOK. I am so excited!!!!

Proof with watermark
 Yes, it’s only the proof, but . . . what a sweetheart. 
My husband, Robert L. Mitchell, is proofing it for me. He won’t put the book down!

WHAT is Forever Stalwart? This book is the TRUE and documented account of three pioneer families: Titus Billings, Isaac Morley and Edward Tuttle, whose lives intertwined as they lived early LDS Church history all the way from Kirtland to Manti!

EAB & Me cropped
WHY Forever Stalwart? My father, Evan A. Billings assigned me to write “a worthy history” of our ancestor, Titus Billings, who is mentioned in the Doctrine and Covenants (63:39). He and mother, Elda Mae Lewis Billings, reclaimed a piece of grandpa’s stewardship property in Independence, Missouri and built a beautiful home upon it where they enjoyed discovering rare tidbits about the past. These they wanted to share.  
typewriter gray
Would you believe? My father assigned me to write this account about Grandpa Titus over three decades ago. That’s before computers! Talk about taking a l-o-n-g journey, but it has been a good one. I spent hours in glass-walled Special Collection rooms copying journals with a pencil– no pens allowed. The Lord, it seems, requires us to “pay the price” and then He allows the miracles. So many Tender Mercies have laced this endeavor and the treasures I found in libraries, letters, and courthouses are now available ONLINE!

Bibliography cropped
Dad was serious about two specifications: he wanted the book accurate and he wanted it interesting. Its Bibliography alone is eighteen pages and reference sheets fill an entire filling cabinet drawer. Chapters are short to accommodate the seven main characters. At the end of each chapter is documentation of facts discussed and identification of anything added. Readers can jump over these if they want it to read like a novel. Others seem to appreciate the detailed references.

I searched everywhere to find the artist who painted this treasure of the four missionaries (Parley P. Pratt, Oliver Cowdery, Peter Whitmer, and Ziba Peterson) who first carried the gospel to Ohio. (It was published for the LDS Church and no credits were shown.) What joy when the original artist Brother Robert T. Barrett  gave his permission to include the painting in “the book.” He authorized me to download it and while doing so I discovered another, less known treasure entitled “Early Missionaries.”

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I fell in love with this painting! To me it depicts Elder Titus Billings and young Elder Luman Shurtliff when they left Nauvoo for a mission to New England. With an interior of  746 pages it is impossible to print colored pictures inside the book. I was delighted to use this painting in full color on the cover! THANK YOU, Brother Robert T. Barrett. It’s no wonder we WON First Place for the Best Non-Fiction Book Cover in the 2015 Beverly Hills Book Awards!

My amazingly talented artist and art instructor uncle, Max E. Bunnell, created the pioneer boots for our Stalwart Stories logo. (I have to admit the idea for boots came from my darling sister, Mary Billings Jones.) What a blessing to know a gifted artist who could and would create them for this project. Don’t you just love them?
Yes, it is a big blessing that computers came on-board when they did, to allow completion of this project. I am, however, more than I can say grateful to my daughter-in-law, Lisa Ann Konold Mitchell, who spent countless hours formatting text, aligning graphics, and teaching me how to navigate in a program far above my skill set. Many thanks to Jacob and Rebecca Siebach who believed even a grandma could learn to use such advanced software when they gifted it to me for Christmas because my program was incapable of handling so much text. And yes, Becki saved me with her Photo Shop expertise as the cover was finalized. Oh, I could go on and on because I am thankful to everyone who has waited and encouraged and inspired me . . . especially our kind Heavenly Father who answers prayers and makes all things possible. I pray that this effort is acceptable to Him and to those who have helped from “the other side.”

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Look Who Purchased "The Book" Today

Met him in all-day training session and he bought two copies!
Thank you, Kent.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Send YOUR PIX with "the book" and we will post it.

Thanks to my dear Uncle Ross and sweet Aunt Rosella. I am excited to hear their feedback after they read Forever Stalwart.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hats off to the Red Hat Ladies Who Read Forever Stalwart!

The Red Hat Ladies of Provo invited me to review "the book" -- Forever Stalwart at their last gathering. What delightful ladies. Hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. Our winner seals arrived the day before so they went home with the gold stickers for their books. It was soooooooooo fun!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reader Hal Kelly Reviews the Book

"Susan, you did an outstanding job! It amazes me how the facts are interwoven with fiction. I was excited to find out I'm actually related to Titus. I thoroughly enjoyed this WONDERFUL book!!!"    ~ Hal Kelly April 2015

We Won Three Book Awards!

2015 Beverly Hills International Book Awards  

 1st place for Best Book Cover Design 
 2nd place for Best Non-Fiction 

"Your book, Forever Stalwart, truly embodies the excellence that this award was created to celebrate, and we salute you and your fine work . . . The entire team at the Beverly Hills Book Awards sincerely wishes you the warmest congratulations."

To view the list of winners and finalists go to their site and scroll down until you will find both awards: http://www.beverlyhillsbookawards.com/2015-BHBA-Winners-and-Finalists.htm

Bevery Hills finalist best non-fiction 2015

2015 INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDS (scroll down to Biography)
 Jeffrey Keen, President and CEO of USA Book News, said this year’s contest yielded over 1200 entries from authors and publishers around the world, which were then narrowed down to the final results.
Finalist Indie Book Awards

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

At first I thought I was robbed! OPPOSITION IN ALL THINGS!

Beware and Be Aware!

This alarming site popped up on a google search: "Download Free Forever Stalwart . . ."

If you click on this site you will see our book cover pictured with a poorly written message - no proper punctuation, spelling, or grammar - (see sample of site below)  that invites you to download an electronic form of the book  for nothing. 

Click on any of the offered buttons and your computer will be flooded with malware!

If you look at the left panel on the screen shot below, you will find other book sites listed where web crawlers have gathered targets for their malware attacks. Think about it for a second. Why would anyone fall for this? First of all it is not honest or ethical. Second, these people do not have rights to or even a copy of the manuscript. They are not offering a service, they just want to do damage. 

At first I felt upset, but now I fell extremely grateful, not for this act by poor pitiful souls who have no greater pleasure than to pollute the computers of others, but for the protection of my K9-Blue Coat filter that blocked me when I in an instant of panic tried to click on it myself.

If your computer is not secure go to: www.K9webprotection.com for a free download (and this one is legitimate). My computer has been guarded by this wonderful watch dog ever since our son-in-law worked at Blue Coat and taught me about it. I highly recommend this free program.

Side note: A good, clean, legal ebook is in the works. It takes time to do it right.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Thank you FamilySearchFamilyTree!

I am so excited! 

The Family Search Data Group UNLOCKED Titus Billings' KWV9-RHJ tree so I could add 3 photos and 10 documents to it.

The next day they UNLOCKED Isaac Morley's KWVM-MGR tree long enough for me to add 3 new documents to it. (Isaac has 3 trees - they have promised to remedy that.)

For some reason the trees of early church leaders have been blocked for a time. I was told they are doing an editing project and didn't want changes to happen until it is completed, BUT they made an exception for our treasures to be added.

Go check it out. (Under documents you will have to click on  "more" to see our new entries.)

Billings: https://familysearch.org/tree/#view=ancestor&person=KWV9-RHJ&section=memories

               Photos added: Titus' personal copy of the Book of Mormon, signed by him!
                                              (2) pix of his 1845 Nauvoo Letter
               Documents added: (2) documents of the Independence Stewardship Deeds
                                              (7) documents from the Nauvoo Legion.
                                              (1) document listing head of families living in Mentor, Ohio

              Documents added: Mission Report
                                             Nauvoo Legion Rank Roll
                                             Missouri Claims or Grievance Letter  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Map of Provo City Cemetery showing burial place of Titus Billings

Click on the map to enlarge it.

Please note that Titus and Diantha (Morley) Billings are buried in plot #84.
Look closely to see the yellow highlight. 

Also, check out the map (screen shot below) on www.billiongraves.com.

My thanks to Doug Larson for asking about the location of the Titus Billings grave.
Hope all of you can visit it soon to honor the life of this good, noble, stalwart man.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Digitize Your Old Camera Negatives

Click below to see an amazing home-made method
for turning old negatives into digital photos.

Excellent digitization at home:  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?

[Thanks to Ann R. for pointing out this facebook video.]

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Bonus Lecture by Daryl Hoole!

When the BYU School of Family Life honored Sister Hoole and asked her to speak at the Hinckley Center about "Raising Self-Reliant and Respectful Children" I was present and delighted to hear her "bonus" lecture. She began with, "Three years ago I gave a last lecture at Education Week on campus. Not many people get to give a major address after a last lecture.!"

Don't you just love her? Still she takes time to send the following about Forever Stalwart:  "I would think descendants of the three families are ecstatic about such a treasure and can hardly put it down, but I hope many others want copies as well.

"I wonder if your father envisioned such a masterpiece when he "assigned" you to the task. Whether or not, he, along with Titus, Isaac, and Edward, must be thrilled. What a glorious heavenly reception awaits you.
~ As Always, Daryl."

Photo from BYU Hinckley Center, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Forever Stalwart goes to Seminary . . .

Brother Siebach used Titus Billings' 1840 Nauvoo property deed as a visual aid
in his classroom discussion. (See page 688-689)

My tagline: Hearts Turn When History Talks.

At a Roots Tech booth we were to choose a legacy sign and be photographed with it. I chose "My Stories" because I believe the TRUE stories of the past will inspire our efforts now and in the future. I want to share stories that turn hearts.

In the pix I am holding my new business card as well. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

My Roots Tech Tender Mercy

Roots Tech week was so busy I hardly had time to breathe. I loved every moment, but found no time to prepare for my church calling, Primary music.  By Saturday I felt panicky, but how could I leave with five granddaughters and their moms soaking in Discovery Day with me? Family History is an important work – for the living and for the dead.

That afternoon Elder Quinton L. Cook and his family shared ideas. Would you believe? Sister Mary Cook taught a Primary song “Truth from Elijah” with fun actions to the crowd and they loved it. Sister Vanja Y. Watkins, the composer, shared background of the song and played while we sang. This was my answer.

The next day I also showed my granddaughter’s autographed photo of David Archuleta from Roots Tech to the Primary children and played a recording of him singing our song.  Eagerly they sang along. When I looked down four of the boys were singing into imaginary microphones. They've never sung better.

I love the Lord and His holy work. When we with our limitations try to obey and serve Him, He generously picks up the slack!

See excerpts from Elder Cook's presentation by clicking here: http://www.lds.org/topics/family-history/fdd-cook?lang=eng

Monday, February 16, 2015

We are all cousins!

It is NOT my tree. It is NOT your tree. It is THE TREE - our Heavenly Father's Tree. We are all part of HIS family.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Big Roots Tech Conference 2015

Our fun ride on the UTA Front Runner Train to the 2015 Roots Tech Conference 
was relaxing and saved us the hassle of parking!

At the Salt Palace we were joined by my sister, Nancy, and thousands more.
(photo courtesy Stephen B. Allen)

What an event! So much to see/hear, experience and learn.
Kianna tries out the new Discovery Center and loves it.

Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson, YW General President, 
noticed Kianna's YW necklace when they met in the long hallway.  

YOU can watch Roots Tech videos on YouTube

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Fun way to learn Family History

We made our own BINGO game!

Make your own game the easy way.
Go to www.picmonkey.com (a free online photo editing program) and choose the collage with 5 pix by 5 pix. Insert your own photos and type in a FREE space.
Be sure to scramble the pix for each card (so everyone will not win at the same time).

Here is a sample sheet of the kin cards. 

To play BINGO hold up a card (showing the pix) and while players locate ancestors on their individual playing cards the caller reads a short story from history.
We used the new Mega M&Ms as markers.
Of course you'll want prizes. Could even invite each guest to bring a white elephant prize.

Learning was never so fun, tasty (the chocolate markers), and with this seeing-hearing-tasting action so much more will be remembered.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Winner's Reaction!

Jaron's mom wrote: I had the RS presidency here when Jaron came home from basketball and opened you package. He pulled out this GIANT book, held in in the air, and exclaimed, "My book! Look Mom! It came! My very own copy!"

Jaron wrote (below on the blog): THANK YOU! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my book today! !!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go, Jaron. You earned it!

Message from Daryl Hoole