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Monday, February 23, 2015

My Roots Tech Tender Mercy

Roots Tech week was so busy I hardly had time to breathe. I loved every moment, but found no time to prepare for my church calling, Primary music.  By Saturday I felt panicky, but how could I leave with five granddaughters and their moms soaking in Discovery Day with me? Family History is an important work – for the living and for the dead.

That afternoon Elder Quinton L. Cook and his family shared ideas. Would you believe? Sister Mary Cook taught a Primary song “Truth from Elijah” with fun actions to the crowd and they loved it. Sister Vanja Y. Watkins, the composer, shared background of the song and played while we sang. This was my answer.

The next day I also showed my granddaughter’s autographed photo of David Archuleta from Roots Tech to the Primary children and played a recording of him singing our song.  Eagerly they sang along. When I looked down four of the boys were singing into imaginary microphones. They've never sung better.

I love the Lord and His holy work. When we with our limitations try to obey and serve Him, He generously picks up the slack!

See excerpts from Elder Cook's presentation by clicking here: http://www.lds.org/topics/family-history/fdd-cook?lang=eng

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