LEARN MORE about Forever Stalwart. BUY BOOK NOW! Check out our Digital Documents Collection FREE DOWNLOAD of 125 items!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Winner's Reaction!

Jaron's mom wrote: I had the RS presidency here when Jaron came home from basketball and opened you package. He pulled out this GIANT book, held in in the air, and exclaimed, "My book! Look Mom! It came! My very own copy!"

Jaron wrote (below on the blog): THANK YOU! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my book today! !!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go, Jaron. You earned it!

Message from Daryl Hoole

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Please BEAR with us!

Several of you say you cannot leave comments on this book blog. Please know that I just removed the google+ comments setting because it said a person must have a google+ account to comment. However, by so doing, every existing comment was lost. Sorry.

Many of those kind comments were cut & pasted into my "Tender Mercies & Kind Words" collection so I may be able to cut & paste them back. Don't be shocked if you see my pix on your comment. I don't know any other way to do it. Suggestions welcome.



We have got to figure this out. So many good comments are not showing. Here is a cut-and-paste of comments on this post from the book's facebook site.


1/28/15 Comment emailed:  

Your blog is amazing! The book - ever more so! Can't wait to dive into it. I loved seeing your post about your beautiful song 'Endure to the End' -- after all - it is also my story. :)  I have drawn strength from that event in my own adult life many times when I feel overwhelmed & want to give up. I'm sure reading about & knowing the sacrifices my ancestor's endured in 'Forever Stalwart' will be another great source of strength & reason to feel immense gratitude. Thank you for all your years of hard work bringing this all together. Thank you also fo the many lessons you have tauaght me personally by your own life & example as my mother. I am so honored & proud to call you mine! Love you mom! Carolee Mitchell Weight

Monday, January 26, 2015

Get your FREE download of Digital Documents now!

A collection of 125 pictures, letters, maps, etc. gathered while researching this book 
have been digitized and uploaded to our website: www.foreverstalwart.com.

These are FREE to everyone. Just go to the site and click on the button:

Takes you to this screen where you can look at everything at once 
so you can decide what you want to download.

Or, you can choose this button to download all of them.

Note: Forever Stalwart may be purchased at a $5.00 discount on the same website!

Friday, January 23, 2015

What is "Be Choosy" you ask?

"Be Choosy" was a rhythm chant we preformed at a stake MIA (Mutual Improvement Association) Standard's Night many years ago. I believe the event was called, "All in Favor" - at any rate, the script was produced by the MIA General Board. I do not know an author to credit.

Later, as a mother, I taught it to our children. We used it as a family-motto-chant and at one point the plan was that whenever a member of the family started it all had to join in -- great fun on car trips and a good tool to interrupt moments of contention.

I will post it here so you can learn it too. Just clap the rhythm and take off!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Three Generations examine "the book"

Full Endorsement by Randy B. Shaw, July 14, 2014

“A long awaited story, decades waiting to be told, of family, faith, and fortitude. This narrative is wonderfully woven with fact and fiction, documentation and details. Thank you, Susan, for knitting the threads of the life of an ordinary man into the fabric of an extraordinary man. Titus would be honored, and I am grateful “that our children may know”.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Challenge to my grandchildren . . .

I told our grandchildren they could earn a free copy of "the book" by memorizing three things I treasure:
The Articles of Faith (all 13) 
"Let Us All Press On" (my emergency hymn) 
Be Choosy

Look who finished first -- and he is only 8-years old!
Way to go Jaron!!! 

He sent videos of each to prove his memorization.
How's that for being STALWART?!?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Daryl Hoole -- Another of my favorite authors, endorsed "the book"!

Sister Daryl Hoole has written many fantastic motivational books on home management and family living, including a long-term best seller: The Art of Homemaking  and a more recent up-to-the-minute guide: The Ultimate Career, The Art of Homemaking Today. She has been my precious paradigm since I first heard her speak way back in 1967! Who could have guessed the day might come when she would read my book?!?

Full endorsement by Daryl Hoole, June 24, 2014:
“Lovingly and skillfully written by a great-granddaughter, the story of Titus Billings, Mormon pioneer, is at once intensely interesting, deeply insightful and powerfully inspirational. Impeccable research--the work of decades--has enabled Susan Billings Mitchell to bring to light the account of a remarkable man of unfaltering faith and unyielding works in an authentic setting of 19th Century Mormonism. The  strength of the man and the tenets of the gospel of Jesus Christ are woven together to provide a faith-promoting experience, well worth the time  of the reader.”

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Jack Weyland's Generous Endorsement

Yes! This is the real, true Jack Weyland and look what he is holding!   
I have read and loved his books for years --- 

“I am usually of two minds when I read historical books. If it’s straight history, I wish there was a story showing the difficulties that a family might have had to endure. In other words, I want a story!

On the other hand, if it is a historical novel involving people and their stories, a part of me is always wondering which part of the story actually happened and which is made up. With this conflict in my mind, I’m seldom satisfied.

Susan Mitchell’s book “Forever Stalwart” is the best of both worlds, following the lives of people I quickly came to care about. This is a story that captivated me. In addition, after every few pages there are historical documents, diaries, journals, and other references which make it clear how closely the actual events have been captured.

This is an amazing book! For me it was like being there as members of the Church migrated from Ohio to Utah, and then what their life was like in Utah. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and enthusiastically recommend it!”

Jack Weyland, June 23, 2014

Monday, January 12, 2015

Have you noticed? Titus Billings and Isaac Morley are locked on the FSFamilyTree.

That's right. If you go to the FamilySearchFamilyTree and look them up you will find a gold banners with a paddle-lock pix on them stating that their records are "Read Only."  At first I thought it meant that their temple work could not be done again, and that is good. (In the case of Titus Billings: Although he was baptized while living--second person baptized in Kirtland, even -- we have evidence that he has been baptized by proxy 15 times! What a waste of time and effort.)

However, the "Read Only" lock makes it impossible to add photos, document, stories, or audios.  Sad news. We have some real treasure to share. Below is a reply to my inquiry about it. Guess there is good reason and sounds like it is only temporary.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Saturday, January 10, 2015

YOU are invited to read and to leave a comment . . .

Looks like Forever Stalwart finally made it to Alaska. Lots of good readers there. 
Hope they, and all of you, will post your comments on this blog.

Let me know if you have difficulty: foreverstalwart@gmail.com
Everyone should be enabled by now.