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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Jack Weyland's Generous Endorsement

Yes! This is the real, true Jack Weyland and look what he is holding!   
I have read and loved his books for years --- 

“I am usually of two minds when I read historical books. If it’s straight history, I wish there was a story showing the difficulties that a family might have had to endure. In other words, I want a story!

On the other hand, if it is a historical novel involving people and their stories, a part of me is always wondering which part of the story actually happened and which is made up. With this conflict in my mind, I’m seldom satisfied.

Susan Mitchell’s book “Forever Stalwart” is the best of both worlds, following the lives of people I quickly came to care about. This is a story that captivated me. In addition, after every few pages there are historical documents, diaries, journals, and other references which make it clear how closely the actual events have been captured.

This is an amazing book! For me it was like being there as members of the Church migrated from Ohio to Utah, and then what their life was like in Utah. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and enthusiastically recommend it!”

Jack Weyland, June 23, 2014

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