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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Exciting Find: Grandpa Titus loved the Book of Mormon. I do too!

Even though "the BOOK - Forever Stalwart" cannot be released until that last permission statement comes in, I have decided to move forward with this blog and share some of the inspiring "tender mercies" experienced along the journey of it's creation.

Would you believe?  We found a Book of Mormon that actually belonged to Titus Billings!

So here's the scoop, a DUP (Daughter's of the Utah Pioneers) lesson mentioned a Book of Mormon owned by Eunice Billings Warner Snow (daughter) and claimed it was preserved in the Provo DUP Museum. Of course I rushed right over. It is precious and kept in a locked glass cabinet. You cannot touch it or take pictures without special permission. Read on, if you want to learn about a real tender mercy.

Just then, the Museum Director entered. Everyone was surprised and I was delighted. She wasn't scheduled to be there, but felt impressed to come. Long story short, she unlocked the cabinet and with gloved hands removed the book. Again, I could not touch it, but did ask if she would open it. 

The inside cover was signed by Titus Billings! In his hand writing! Underneath Eunice had added: "Is now the property of Eunice Snow, 5th Ward, Provo."

Needless to say, I was very overjoyed. Decades ago my father assigned me to write the biography of Titus Billings and share every treasure we could find about him. Dad even moved to Titus' Independence Stewardship property in Missouri and spent years searching history for facts. "Forever Stalwart" is the compilation of everything we could find (with the Isaac Morley and Edward Tuttle stories added). I was allowed to take these three photographs for the book. (Of course proper permission forms and fees were satisfied.)


  1. Woah!!! That is awesome and gave me chills. No doubt divine help from above has guided and helped you on this amazing journey. You sure do give your all in all you do.

  2. Wow! What an incredible find. A tender mercy for sure!!! ps - He sure had some amazing handwriting!

  3. That IS a tender mercy and such a neat thing to have photographed!
