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Friday, October 24, 2014

Forever Stalwart Book Update

Sister Sharon Church and I view the Salt Lake Temple from the Church Office Building after a Family History Discovery event this morning, then spent the afternoon working with some wonderful OFFICIAL STAFF personnel at the Church History Library who were helpful in finding and preparing our permissions request for “the book.” They are smothered with requests, but promised to submit ours to the legal department by the first of next week. No idea how long that process will take, but you can be sure I will let you know as soon as it is done. It really is going to happen! Please stay tuned.

[Note: Elder and Sister Church (from American Fork) served a Family History Mission scanning records from the South Dakota Historical Society. They also taught a seminary class for us (as CES missionaries). Our mission apartments were across the hallway from each other. Friendships are eternal.]

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